Tuesday, July 21, 2009

REALLY belated family update time

Mr. Boy and Princess Baby enjoying the summer, the farm, the zoo, and PB's 1st birthday.

Mama and Big J have been super busy enjoying summer with Mr. Boy and Princess Baby so we just now are putting an update on the old family blog.

Big J news: He started his new job this week. He's enjoying it, and we're adjusting to the schedule changes.

Mama news: not much, really. Working, playing, hanging out with the kids and family are the main priorities these days.

Mr. Boy news: much more interesting stuff!
He now knows his ABC's. He knows all the names of almost any animal you can see a picture of in a book or on a flashcard. He is currently obsessed with watching Kung Fu Panda and Babe. He talks non-stop and loves people. He remembers the names of everyone he meets, even after just one time and loves to talk about the people he knows. This summer he's been swimming, been to the big zoo in Salina, the great-grandparents' farm twice, a birthday party for his friend from church, a full 6 weeks of library story times, a puppet show at the library, and loves his life. Still ahead this summer for Mr. Boy is a week of VBS in August where he'll be in the 2 year old class and more fun in the sun!
Princess Baby news:
The little lady started walking the day before her 1st birthday, so she's been off and running for a little over 2 months now. She's still not a huge talker, but she says "hello," "milk," "mama," "dada," "go," "nonononono," and "duck." Sometimes she'll say something that sounds like book, too. She loves books and brings us books all the time, bouncing on her feet until we pick her up to read to her. She also attended 6 weeks of story time and enjoyed it a lot, too. She has also become quite a fixture in the church nursery, no longer wailing and crying all the time but having fun with the other kids and the nice lady Grandma Lola who watches over the kids. She also recently made a smooth transition from bottles to sippy cups without incident. No more Bottles for Bowlings!