Sunday, July 25, 2010

Product Reviewing Coming Soon!

As I said in my last post, we are moving to a new house in now, about 10 days? Whew! Big J has been doing great with the packing and we got about 30 more boxes today so we're moving along nicely now as we get this show on the road.

Another feature of our new house new to the Bowling Team will be stairs. Our kids have been on Grammy and Papa's stairs but that's about it. So we are going to be ordering this gate and putting it at the top of the stairs.

I am ordering it from CSN stores and we're super excited because that's a website with free shipping! CSN stores have everything from furniture to rugs and kitchen things--even Corelle dishes! Very useful when you figure it is heavy-ish. It's funny because the gate has a little cat door in it. We don't have a cat, but we do have little kids who are mechanically inclined and the main gate fastener looks a lot like the ones on the church nursery gates that Princess Baby and Mr. Boy cannot open.

I'm going to post pictures and write a review of our new gate from CSN Stores as soon as we are moved and have it installed!

1 comment:

  1. That is a nice gate. I like the white and I like the metal. Looks like it will be easy for grownups to open, yet tough for the munchkins. Dig it.
